Welcome to Andrewfoxcyber.com

Andrew Fox

Welcome, everyone, to andrewfoxcyber.com. The new year is almost here, and what better way to start the new year then starting my own personal blog!

As I work towards my Bachelor’s degree, majoring in Cybersecurity, I plan on sharing many stories, thoughts, and experiences as I gain more experience in the IT field. There are a few types of blog posts I will be putting up here over time, such as:

Tutorials: Where I will share different projects and how-to’s

My Journey: Where I will share my experiences

Week Summaries: Where I will highlight topics related to what I am learning and explain the importance of those topics

Current Events: Where I will share my thoughts on current news related to Cybersecurity

I cannot wait to share my experiences and maybe even help others as I finish college and begin my professional career in Cybersecurity. Thanks for visiting!

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